
What our clients say about us

We always provide the highest level of professionalism to the recruitment process, and we are effective. Check out what our clients say about us!

"We were impressed with HR GO's methods. They worked to understand our company needs and prepared a market analysis that provided benchmarking for candidates across Poland."

Tomasz Dyszy,
Local Manager

"Dominik and his team have always been responsive, friendly and professional and have made the recruitment process extremely simple."

Dawid Koryl,
Director Business Hub Wroclaw

"HR GO's recruitment strategy was adjusted to the multiple different business needs of Objectivity. They were committed to working closely with us to understand our requirements and provide best in class IT software developers."

Wioleta Patkowska,
EB + Recruitment Lead

"Open and clear communication has been the hallmark of the successful business relationship between HR GO Recruitment and Acturis."

Wojciech Klichta,
Poland Team Manager

"HR GO Recruitment wyróżnia się indywidualnym podejściem do potrzeb klienta, bardzo dobrą znajomością sektora IT oraz dużym zaangażowaniem w całym proces rekrutacji"

Wojciech Półtorak,
General Manager

"Odpowiednie przygotowanie i włożona praca mają przełożenie na efekty – po 4 miesiącach działania SDP zatrudniło dzięki nam już 6 nowych pracowników. Co więcej, od lipca 2021 na wyłączność przekazany został nam cały proces rekrutacyjny SDP Nieruchomości."

Radosław Kuśmierz,
Właściciel Firmy